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|Steph Oeser

Get to Know Relyco - Tonya Skidds, Customer Service Manager

Tonya Skidds

Tonya Skidds is our Customer Service Manager. She has been at Relyco for seven years. The first thing you'd notice about Tonya is her utterly delightful and contagious laugh. She has THE BEST giggle. Seriously. Most of us work in one large shared space, so tuning out your neighbors to concentrate becomes second nature. But it's impossible to hear Tonya laugh and not at least crack a smile. It's a nice ray of sunshine! Tonya has an upbeat, chipper personality to match her laugh. She's almost always smiling.

Interviewing her was a breeze because she's extremely easy to talk to.  

What’s your favorite season? Fall. Warm days, cool nights, the bonfires, no bugs.

Where did you grow up? Westbrook, Maine.

What’s your favorite smell? Fresh cut grass, fresh cut wood, gasoline.

Who was the last person you texted? My mother.

What do you wish your customers knew? I live by two mottos. #1 a person is only as good as their word. #2 there are no such things as problems, there are only solutions.

What do you listen to in the car? In the morning, Greg and the Morning Buzz, but on my way home I play a game with myself where I scan the stations. I need to correctly name the artist and song title of as many songs as I can in the 15-20 minutes it takes me to get home. My record is 27, got that last night!

Describe your happy place. At the lake with my family and a drink with an umbrella.

What’s your favorite thing about Relyco? That's hard because there's a lot! [long pause] I like how giving Relyco is to the community.

Your house is on fire, what’s the one thing you grab? The dog because my husband would already be out the door! [she giggles]

Describe Relyco in three words/phrases. Customer service, reliable, supportive.

Where is/was your favorite place to visit while traveling? Playa del Carmen, Mexico

What’s your favorite song to dance to? Peter Gabriel - Solsbury Hill  

Tonya's bright and fun personality is really appreciated here! She oversees all new custom orders from the order approval to delivery to the customer in order to ensure customer satisfaction and build stronger relationships with customers. Tonya is the perfect person to do the job! To contact Tonya, send her an email at or connect with her on LinkedIn.

To contact Relyco, give us a call at 800-777-7359. You can also click here or on the button below.


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