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|Kara Lapierre

Get to Know Relyco - Steph Oeser, Marketing Manager

Steph Oeser

Have you been reading our emails, blogs or newsletters? Have you noticed the fun, quirky tone? Well, Steph Oeser (pronounced ay-ser) is behind all of them! Steph is our Marketing Manager. She joined our team back in October 2016. She uses her creativity in all aspects of the marketing department: email communications, trade show logistics, writing all content and video scripts, etc.

Her attention to detail doesn’t go unnoticed by our team. Steph has all the answers. Don’t know something? Go ask Steph! She will have it written down somewhere in her notebook.

Being a native of Maine, she knows how to have some good ol’ New England fun. In the summer you can find her camping with her dad, soaking up the sun at her family’s beach house and spending time with friends. In the winter...well, it is New England, so she is probably wrapped up in her puff and enjoying a cup tea.

Since Steph joined the marketing team, she has completely transformed it. Now that she is here, it’s impossible to imagine our team without her. While she is extremely funny and enjoys putting a smile on our faces, Steph is also very warm-hearted, kind and empathetic; someone you would want to have in your corner on a bad day. Okay, it’s time to hear from her directly:

Describe your happy place. My grandparents’ beach house in Rye, N.H.

What’s your favorite season? Fall.

What’s your favorite thing about Relyco? My team members.

Do you drink coffee or tea in the morning? I should be drinking tea, but I drink coffee, usually decaf.

Do you have a favorite pen? Yes!

Steph's favorite pen 

Describe Relyco in three words. Community focused, welcoming, different.

What do you listen to in the car? In the morning, radio; for long drives, podcasts. I like You're Wrong About, Pop Culture Happy Hour and 2 Dope Queens. There are a few others, but those are my favorites.

Where is/was your favorite place to visit while traveling? It’s a toss up between the Scottish Highlands and Santorini, Greece.

What three words would your friends use to describe you? Considerate, quirky, empathetic.

Your house is on fire, what’s the first thing you grab? My cat. If it’s a physical object, besides the obvious – phone, keys and wallet – it would be a necklace my dad gave me.

What’s your favorite song to dance to? This is really hard! I have a lot of favorite dance songs. I’m going to go with I Wanna Dance with Somebody by Whitney Houston. It’s how I would like to kick off the first [Relyco] dance party!

What’s considered your specialty at Relyco? Writing.

To contact Steph, send her an email at, she loves having random email conversations with customers.

To contact Relyco, give us a call at 800-777-7359. You can also click here or on the button below.


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