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|Steph Oeser

Get to Know Relyco - Tyler Parkhurst, Senior Government Sales/Account Executive

Tyler Parkhurst, Sr. Government Sales/Account Executive

Tyler Parkhurst is Relyco's Senior Government Sales/Account Executive. He's the next one up in our Get to Know Relyco Series! His easygoing style was evident throughout the interview and headshot process.

Tyler is, in a word, likable. He's calm and mild-mannered. He chats about sports and laughs easily. He doesn't seem to get too stressed, which is particularly impressive because he and his wife recently had their second child. We're sure that some mornings he's not running on as much sleep as he used to, but he doesn't ever show it. He's always friendly, optimistic and ready to work. Here's what he said when we chatted:  

How long have you worked at Relyco? A little over five years. September, plus five years.

What three words/phrases would your friends use to describe you? Laid back, loyal, hard-working

How long is your commute to work? Approximately 3 minutes in the car. It's a very easy one. But that makes it hard to call out on snow days!

Where did you grow up? I grew up in Dover, NH.

What’s your favorite smell? I've never thought about that! I do like the smell of coffee.

What do you wish your customers knew? I actually wish my customers knew what I looked like, so this is helpful! I've always thought that because I've wondered what my customers look like. I don't know, there's so much hidden behind the phone.

Describe your happy place. My happy place? On a beach, somewhere tropical with a cocktail in my hand.

What’s your favorite thing about Relyco? I like that it's a family business and that it's family oriented. That was my major draw to it when I came here.

If you could talk to your 16-year-old self, what advice would you give? Even though I finished my education, I'd take my education more seriously. I kind of just did it to get it done.

Your house is on fire, what’s the one thing you grab? Ummm, one thing... I've got a wife and two kids, that's three things. Can I grab all three of them? And my dog. All four of them. All living things in my house.

Where is/was your favorite place to visit while traveling? My favorite place is London. My wife, she actually did a whole year there in school. So I went over there several times and then we traveled there after, as well. We actually thought about moving there when we were both out of college, but it never came about. And now our life is here. I just like it over there, it's nice. I'd like to go back there again. It seems like all of our vacations now are tropical because we're always trying to get away from cold weather.

If you could hang out with someone (living or deceased) for the day, who would you pick? Probably my best friend from high school. He passed away. We separated over time and so I hadn't seen him for ten years, then he passed away. So I'd probably like to see him again.  

Tyler is pretty unflappable. His approach to answering each question was uniform: he would take a moment to gather his thoughts and then respond. His answers were straightforward and genuine. Tyler's customers really like him and it's clear why. Tyler primarily specializes in government, larger accounts and the grocery industry. He mainly focuses on REVLAR waterproof paper and ID cards. To contact Tyler, send him an email at To contact Relyco, give us a call at 800-777-7359. You can also click here or on the button below.


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