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|Steph Oeser

Get to Know Relyco - Bruce Steinberg, CEO

Bruce Steinberg

Bruce Steinberg is Relyco's CEO. Bruce is Mike Steinberg's son, which makes Relyco truly a family company. Since 2007, Bruce has been an integral part of the team and he has taken on new initiatives to grow the company. Bruce is responsible for Relyco's emergence in the synthetic paper market. He also spearheaded the effort to expand exportation, which resulted in Relyco being named the 2016 New Hampshire Small Business Exporter of the Year. Due to Bruce's efforts, Relyco is a global exporter!

When you first talk with Bruce, it's immediately clear that he is a keen listener and observer. His facial expressions might not change during a conversation, but his eyes give him away when he's amused. That happened several times during this interview. Here he is in his own words:

What four words would your friends use to describe you? Outgoing, loyal, funny, driven.

What’s your favorite season? Summer.

Where did you grow up? Rye, New Hampshire

Who was the last person you texted? My wife.

Do you have a favorite pen?

Bruce's favorite pen 


Describe your happy place. At home, with my family.

What’s your favorite thing about Relyco? I think it's fun and people really care. Everyone's working hard and it feels good to be part of team.

If you could talk to your 16-year-old self, what advice would you give? [he chuckles] To be more adventuresome and take more chances. And don't be so shy. I think I've gained confidence as I've matured. I really wish I wasn't [so shy] because I missed out on things. [more laughs] I feel like I should be laying on a couch.

Your house is on fire, what’s the one thing you grab? My family, my kids.

Where is/was your favorite place to visit while traveling? I've always liked Europe, south of France. I really liked Spain. The Mediterranean. I could spend time there. I could live there. I like Norway too.

What’s your favorite song to dance to? I met my wife at a wedding. The song was a Bon Jovi song: Livin' on a Prayer. That was my first dance with my wife. I dropped a cheesy line...and it worked!

If you could hang out with someone (living or deceased) for the day, who would you pick? My grandfather.

To contact Bruce, send him an email at or connect with him on LinkedIn. To contact Relyco, give us a call at 800-777-7359. You can also click here or on the button below.


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