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|Steph Oeser

Menu Paper at Blue Latitudes Can Handle a Spill (Or Several)

menu paper

Our latest customer story comes from Blue Latitudes, a restaurant located in Dover, New Hampshire. After generously allowing us to film a video in his restaurant, owner Jeff Roemer sat down to chat about menu paper and the benefits of going waterproof.

Neighbors Become Friends

Blue Latitudes is located in a restored mill building where Relyco headquarters used to be. Twelve years ago, Relyco was located on the floor directly above where the restaurant was moving in and getting started. According to Jeff, Relyco owner Mike Steinberg was not shy about meeting his new neighbors. He stopped in to say hello, as did other Relyco employees. As time went on, Mike and Jeff became good friends. Eight years ago, their friendship further evolved when they co-created an annual Thanksgiving Celebration for people in the community who might not otherwise have the opportunity to enjoy a traditional meal. As the friendship between Jeff and Mike grew, so has the relationship between Relyco and Blue Latitudes. It makes perfect sense that when Jeff wanted to move away from traditional paper for his drink menus, he turned to Relyco.

The Benefits of Waterproof Menu Paper

In the past, when Blue Latitudes used standard paper for their drink menus, they ran into problems. Now, they use 8.5" x 11" sheets of our 7.7 mil REVLAR waterproof paper, which they print and then cut to 4.25" x 11" menus. Jeff explains:

"We always used paper and I would print it here. Invariably splashes of drinks and food get on the menus. Obviously they have to be changed out every time. So there's a printing cost and our staff was in a panic coming in to see me to get new stuff printed because of the damage. But with this [REVLAR], it's a durable product. So it's much easier to maintain. It's a lot less overhead."

For Blue Latitudes, the advantages to using waterproof menu paper go beyond the cost savings. Jeff also likes that it's cleanable, wipeable, of a heavier stock than normal paper and it doesn't tear. They are able to get much more life out of the menus.

Ability To Print In-House

Jeff also appreciates that he can continue to print his menus in-house. He has been particularly impressed with how the menus print.

"It [REVLAR] takes the color great. It's easy to work with. You know I don't have the highest end laser printer here, and it goes through there without any problem."

Blue Latitudes prints menus once or twice a month, depending on the season and how often they're rolling out new specials. They don't have big printing needs, so being able to do it on site helps keep costs down and provides flexibility.

We're glad to be able to provide these kinds of solutions and benefits to all of our customers, but it is especially sweet when we can do so for our friends.

We have a variety of sizes, thicknesses and colors available for waterproof menu paper. Learn more in our waterproof menu guide!

Download your waterproof menu guide now

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