Mycca Dutson is an Account Manager at Relyco. A year ago, Relyco acquired Piracle Supply Sales. Mycca was a Supplies Account Manager at Piracle and we brought her on board as a full-time Relyco employee during the acquisition. We know how much her customers love her! They are glad to continue working with the same person and we are thrilled to have Mycca as part of the Relyco family!She works out of the Utah office, so the New Hampshire Relyco team doesn't get to see her in person all that often. But she's an early riser, so Mycca works East Coast hours to align with our NH office. We message, email and chat on the phone with her so much that it feels like she is here. Part of that is because she is extremely prompt about responding to emails; she will always get back to you immediately and her emails are consistently cheerful, which matches her enthusiastic personality. What three words would your friends use to describe you? Reliable, compassionate, loyal.What’s your favorite season? Spring, it's when everything starts waking up from the cold winter months and becomes beautiful again. Flowers start to come back, birds are chirping and it starts to warm up again!Where did you grow up? I've lived in Utah all my life, but different cities.What’s your favorite smell? Russian olive trees in the middle of summer. It's a sweet smell. I love it. It's only a couple of weeks that you can smell them.What do you wish your customers knew? That I really care about them. I do my best to meet their needs.What do you listen to in the car? My kids fighting mostly. (she laughs)Describe your happy place. I would say being with my family. Just spending time. I like to camp, so maybe camping.What’s your favorite thing about Relyco? You're treated like a person and not a number. Whether you're an employee or a customer!If you could talk to your 16-year-old self, what advice would you give? Oh wow! So much! Appreciate things more and spend more time with family. Not care so much about your boyfriend of the moment or your friends who aren't your friends six months later.Where is/was your favorite place to visit while traveling? Well, I am not a good traveler. I hate to fly. I am a terrible flier, just horrible. I don't outwardly freak out...I'm not the crazy person on the plane. But I don't like to travel. So I would say California at the ocean is my favorite place that I've ever been.What’s your favorite song to dance to? Whatever my kids are being silly about. We like to do that sometimes. We'll turn on the radio and be weird.If you could hang out with someone (living or deceased) for the day, who would you pick? I would pick my mom. She died ten days after I had my second son - in an accident. So it would really be nice to talk to her again. Much like Mike Steinberg, when Mycca answered that final question honestly, she bounced back from it. We concluded the interview and she slipped right back into her usual friendly self. Her resilience after mentioning such a painful topic was impressive. We appreciate that she would share something so personal so that we could get to know her better.As we've mentioned, Mycca works with Piracle customers. To contact her, send her an email at or connect with her on LinkedIn. To contact Relyco, give us a call at 800-777-7359. You can also click here or on the button below.